

The Department of Energy (Energy Economics Institute-IDEE / FB) started its activities in 1978, continuing the work begun in 1967 by the Energy Group of the Department of Natural Resources and Energy of the Bariloche Foundation.

Its work program focuses on the development of activities in basic and applied research, training, dissemination and technical assistance in the field of economics, planning and energy policy and its relationship with the social and environmental dimensions. In order to evaluate the role of energy systems in its articulation to sustainable development, the multiple dimensions of the issue is addressed through a multi and interdisciplinary team composed of professionals from various branches of science and technology.

The Energy program analyzes address the reality of Argentina, Latin America and Caribbean and the developing countries in the context of global energy socio-economic, political and. The results of research studies and technical assistance are disseminated through publications through seminars and workshops on a regular basis and as part of training programs.

Short courses and seminars

The Department of Energy analysis address the reality of Argentina, Latin America and Caribbean and the developing countries in the context of global energy socio-economic, political and. The results of research studies and technical assistance are disseminated through publications and / or through seminars and workshops on a regular basis and as part of training programs.

In the area of ​​training the importance in Latin America and Caribbean activities IDEE / FB from the development of Latin American Postgraduate Course in Economics and Energy and Environmental Policy of four months it stands. The same is issued annually since 1969, totaling thirty editions until processed in Master in 1999, issued jointly with the National University of Comahue. With the participation of professionals from public and private energy companies, universities and planning agencies in all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean has been a source of ongoing training and capacity building throughout the region, encouraged by the continuous updating of their curricula according to the progress of knowledge and tools applicable to energy analysis. For three decades, more than 600 specialized professionals.

The start in 1999 of the Master in Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (MEPEA) which is held in conjunction with the Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Comahue, in the city of Neuquen, in the context of also highlights a Framework Agreement with the University.

At the institutional level they have developed various training through short courses at headquarters and in other countries in the region, through agreements with local universities. Among the short courses include the Workshop on Energy Policy for Sustainable Development and the LEAP model, which is held every year since 2000. The same is aimed at professionals in the region with the aim of providing theoretical knowledge methodological led to substantiate and implement prospective techniques conceived as a tool for the formulation of energy policies that contribute to sustainable development. Since 2006, he teaches at the headquarters Bariloche a course on regulation and rates, where a critical presentation of theoretical concepts that regulatory principles applicable to energy industries are based, and the criteria and methods is done used for the determination of fees and costs inherent in the links of transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas. Recently developed tasks of organizing workshops and training courses in Paraguay, Honduras, Ecuador, Chile and Guatemala.

Researchers at IDEE / FB, have made and engaged in teaching postgraduate in public and private universities in Argentina and abroad, such as at the University of Buenos Aires, South Comahue, Catholic of Salta, National University of Lanus, Catholic of Uruguay, Asuncion, Colombia National Autonomous of Mexico, Calgary, among others.

The IDEE / FB is a member of the GNESD (Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development) ( network, provided by Risoe National Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark -DTU and financed by UNEP / UNDP plus the contribution of countries. In her 20 academic research centers on all continents, implementing studies on issues of access to energy, the development of renewable and matters relating to energy security, among other sources involved. The Department of Energy is part of an international initiative called COMMEND (Community for Energy, Environment and Develpment, administered by the SEI-US), which receives funding from the Dutch government, aimed at capacity building in the field of energy planning and support in the use of energy models The Department of Energy has become one of the correspondents agencies & C REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century – whose Secretariat is located in Paris under the auspices of GIZ and UNEP in collaboration with the IAE). REN 21 is directed toward developing policies to promote the use of renewables in industrialized countries and developing. He is also a member of the Red REEEP (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership), which has over 200 members representing 36 governments, companies and NGOs committed to the advancement of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. In turn REEEP is funded 11 EU governments: Austria, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, USA and the UK (

Through its mother institution, the Bariloche Foundation is a founding member of the consortium, the Climate Technology Centre and Network, which is the technical assistance arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change United Nations on issues related to the transfer of technology for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Under the direction of the Secretariat of the Centre UNCity located in Copenhagen and coordination UNIDO and UNEP, is composed of ten centers of excellence worldwide. Their activities began formally in February 2014 and Bariloche Foundation is developing technical assistance in the UPME of Colombia, has implemented Webinars Waste Transport and contributed to the development of database technology coordinated by NREL United States.

In conjunction with the Department of Environment, forms the technical assistance for Latin America and Caribbean “Technology Need Assessment” program coordinated by UNEP / DTU. The work of IDEE / FB are tripping over themselves to issues of mitigating climate change in energy.

The Department of Energy has framework cooperation agreements with numerous public and private institutions. Among them are government institutions in Argentina and abroad, as well as public and private universities. In the context of specific agreements such framework agreements that develop research activities, technical assistance, training and internships they are signed.


Academic Staff

Hector Pistonesi

Director of the Department Contact Hector

Certified Public Accountant, Bachelor in Economics, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Master in Mathematical Statistics. Professor at the Universidad Nacional del Sur, in the Department of Economics and Mathematics. Supervisor, Fellows and PhDs from different specialties related to energy.

Victor Bravo

Principal Researcher Contact Victor

Expert in Oil Economics and Energy Planning. Collaborates in topics related to hydrocarbons in particular, has directed the main Integral Energy Projects developed by the FB for the region. Responsible for the Latin American Course on Economics and Environmental Energy Policy in its editions from 1971 to 2001, under the framework of cooperation with the European Union. He has been an advisor to UNDP and ECLAC. Coordinated the first comprehensive work on New and Renewable Sources in Latin America.

Raúl Landaveri

Research Associate Contact Raúl

Industrial Engineer, Electricity orientation, postgraduate in Marketing of Hydrocarbons and Derivatives, and in Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy. He has participated in the development of numerous research and technical assistance projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Daniel Bouille

Director of the Department of Environment and Development, CAF Member, Principal Investigator Contact Daniel

Bachelor of Economics, National University of Rosario, Santa Fe province. Graduate Energy Economics, Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne (Federal Republic of Germany). Latin American Course of Economy and Energy Planning Foundation Bariloche, Province of Rio Black. Expert in economics, energy and environmental policy. Research and teaching, provides technical assistance and training for UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, European Union, OLADE, ECLAC, GTZ, among others.

Nicolas Di Sbroiavacca

Executive President, CAF Member, Senior Researcher Contact Nicolas

Petroleum Engineer, National University of Comahue. Province of Neuquen. Graduate in Economics and Energy Planning Comahue National Univ. And the Institute of Energy Economics, associated with Fundación Bariloche, SC Bariloche. Master in Economics of Energy and Environment, Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei ENI dependent, Milan, Italy. UN expert on Inventory of Greenhouse Gases, UNFCCC Bonn, Germany.

Active in the field of economy of hydrocarbons and energy planning, highlighting the energy foresight (Model LEAP), evaluation of resources and technologies, and the development of recommendations and policy guidelines. Also involved in estimating GHG emissions from the energy sector and evaluation of mitigation measures. It belongs to the roster of experts on the UNFCCC inventories. He directs the Master of Economy and Energy and Environmental Policy (MEPEA), issued by the National University of Comahue and has worked in research, training and technical assistance, contracted by UNDP, ECLAC, OLADE, UNEP, among others.

Francisco Lallana

Vice-director of the Department, Representative of Stratum II Contact Francisco

Nuclear Engineer, Balseiro Institute, National University of Cuyo, S. C. de Bariloche. Master in Economics and Energy and Environmental Policy, Bariloche Foundation – National University of Comahue.

Researcher and teacher specialized in the economics of electricity and use of energy models.

Gonzalo Bravo

Research Associate Contact Gonzalo

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics. National University of Rosario. Master of Economy and Energy and Environmental Policy, Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Comahue. Masterof Sciences in Energy Studies, specialization Energy and Environment, Centre of Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, CEPMLP – University of Dundee, UK.

Researcher and teacher, economist at basic training, specialized in Energy Economics and its link with the environment. Member of various teams within the energy sector in general and the electricity sector and renewable energy.

Gustavo Nadal

Representative of Stratum I, Member CAF Contact Gustavo

Degree in physics, initiated at the University of Buenos Aires and continued at the Institute of Physics Dr. Balseiro in SC Bariloche, Province of Rio Negro. Master of Environmental Technology, Imperial College of Medicine.

Research and teaching in evaluation of resources and technologies, identifying barriers and opportunities for penetration, and the formulation of recommendations and policy guidelines.

Also involved in regional water assessment requirements (WEAP) and GHG emissions in the energy sector.

Hilda Dubrovsky

Vice President, CAF Member Contact Hilda

Civil Engineering, Hydraulics Orientation. Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires. Graduate in Economics and Energy Planning. XVII Latin American Course of Economy and Energy Planning, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Specialized courses on prospective supply and demand (urban and rural) electrical systems, economics, project evaluation, environmental impact assessment of the industry and the energy sector.

Coordinator and participant in local and international technical assistance projects and agreements related to areas: Demand, Supply, Integration, rational use of energy, regulatory, institutional, social and environmental aspects of the energy industry.

Roberto Kozulj

Assigned Researcher Contact Roberto

Degree in Economics, National University of Buenos Aires. Graduated in Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Communication Sciences. Member of the Academic Committee of the Master in Energy and Environmental Policy jointly dictated by the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the National University of Comahue and Fundación Bariloche since 1999.

Researcher and Professor. Director and coordinator of Balances and Energy Plans projects. Expert consultant hired by international organizations. Currently Vice-rector of the Andean headquarters of the National University of Río Negro.

Sebastián Gortari

Assigned Researcher Contact Sebastián

Nuclear engineer, Balseiro Institute, National University of Cuyo, S. C. de Bariloche. Head of the Section “Conversion and Rational Use of Energy” (CURE) of the Bariloche Atomic Center.

Experience in the design and training in the construction of energy conversion equipment – in small powers – with the use of renewable energy. Formulation and management of electrification and water supply projects aimed mainly at organizations of rural producers with vulnerable economies.

Jorge Rabassa

Assigned Researcher Contact Jorge

Bachelor of Geology and Doctor of Natural Sciences (Geology) from the National University of La Plata.

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship, State University of New York, 1975-1976. He was a researcher and founder of Fundación Bariloche between 1971 and 1977. Senior Researcher at CONICET since 2010.

Beno Ruchansky Goldstein

Assigned Researcher Contact Beno


XIII International Course on Regulation and Tariffs applied to the Energy Industries

Organized by the Department of Energy's Bariloche (IDEE / FB) Foundation and supported by the Stockholm Environment Institute SEI-US. It will allow participants to expand their knowledge in the field of energy and the environment and learn to use the LEAP model.

Information and Registration:
Fax: + 54-294-4462500 / 4461186

  • USD 1.200 (Includes tuition and teaching materials)
  • Centro Atómico Bariloche, Av. Bustillo km. 9,500 (Bariloche)
  • September 21 to Septiember 30, 2020
  • From 9:00 am to 17:15 pm hours